Tactical Graphic Design + Marketing CEO


This approach is flexible and the system tried and true. Research, strategy, design, and integration are followed up with metrics, review, and iteration. Best done in 1-3 month sprints.

1. Research

Co-discover client history and goals, target audience, competitors, unique value proposition. Helps discover early advantages and disadvantages. Align on best practices, market position, variables.

2. Strategy

Build out a timeline, list of platforms/mediums and deliverables, and prioritize critical elements. This step involves assembling all the facts, including specifications for all deliverables and deciding how to best integrate them with existing systems and campaigns.

3. Design

Utilize industry-leading techniques and software to generate professional assets that are on-brand and poised for success. Includes optimization for various platforms and aspect ratios.

4. Integrate

Launch campaigns, publish posts, send final deliverables to printers or distributors. Work out any unforeseen variables as more voices enter the conversation from third parties.

5. Metrics

Effect campaigns rely on data to make decisions on effectiveness and optimizations for next iteration. This involves data gathering and dissemination. Good data only tells the truth when shared in proper context and when measuring priority variables.

6. Review

Post-campaign look at what went well and what needs improvement. Utilizes findings from metrics to see past bias and determine actual results and next steps.

7. Iterate

Stronger. Better. Faster—reset process to step one and keep going with all the insight and experience gained bringing us that much closer to success!

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